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Selfie Sacrifices (detail), Tordals Mose, Lyngby, Denmark, 360 degree photo from Google Earth.


Interactive digital map exhibited at

KP Digital 22,

Kunsthal Aarhus, Denmark 2022.

Selfie Sacrifices consists of a map with the names of different swamps and bogs located in the hilly moraine landscape north of Copenhagen. 

Selfie Sacrifices map screenshot.jpg


By clicking on the swamp on the map, you will be directed to the location on Google Earth where you can navigate in the 360 degrees street view. In each swamp you will find an immersed self portrait painted on semi-transparent paper with mud from the swamp and a decoction of alder cones.

Selfie Sacrifices (detail), Lyngby Åmose,Lyngby, Denmark

Lyngby Åmose web.jpg

👉🏼 Link to interactive exhibition

       (works on desktop)

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The work experiments with Google Earth as an exhibition platform by creating connections between the digital and the site-specific physical reality in which two traditional genres within fine art - the landscape and the self portrait - are put into play.

Selfportrait in Lyngby Åmose

Selfie Sacrifices (detail), Lyngby Åmose,Lyngby, Denmark

​The title of the work refers to the word self-sacrifice, which means " the sacrifice of oneself or one's interest for others or for a cause" and wonders what the most precious item would be for modern humans to sacrifice: ones self image, ones selfie.

In Scandinavia in the Mesolithic period through to the Middle Ages bogs and swamps were possibly perceived as being sacred gateways to the other world and gateways to the Gods, and the most precious items such as earthenware, decorative metalwork, weapons, and human corpses were sacrificed/deposited there.


Later in history the bogs were exploited as a source for iron and peat and in recent centuries drained for agriculture.

Today, bogs are considered highly endangered and vulnerable eco systems that needs protection and preservation.

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Selfie Sacrifices (detail), Gammelmosen, Gentofte, Denmark

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Selfie Sacrifices (detail), Brobæk Mose, Gentofte, Denmark

360 degree photo from Google Earth.

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